

报告题目:Tuning the Electro and Optical Properties in 2D Materialsby stacking configuration and its applications in solar cells and 2Dhomo-junctions

报 告 人:申泽骧 教授



报告人简介:申泽骧教授现任南洋理工大学(NTU)跨学科研究生学院主任、先进光子学技术中心主任、NTU 研究基金委员会成员及NTU学术委员会成员。并同时担任新加坡-中国科学技术交流促进协会会长、国务院侨办咨询委员会专家,吉林大学新加坡校友会创会会长、南洋理工大学董事会顾问等,并参与主办了多个国际会议。

申泽骧教授与发现石墨烯的诺贝尔奖得主Geim和Novoselov有长期的合作,共同发表了多篇高水平文章;在“自然”“物理评论快报”等世界顶级期刊发表论文超过400篇,参与新加坡国家级项目10项;论文引用次数超过25,000次, H-因子75,并担任多种权威杂志编委。他领导的课题组在石墨烯研究领域目前处于世界前列,曾多次获得国家级研究奖;目前与国际著名企业合作,如英国的庄信万丰(Johnson Matthey),以色列埃尔比特(Elbit),法国泰雷兹集团(Thales)以及中国航天,致力于石墨烯在储能领域的应用开发。

申泽骧教授积极引领与国际顶尖大学和研究机构的合作,在他的发起和推动下,NTU与英国南安普顿联合创建的先进光子学技术中心(CDPT), 成功获得两次新加坡教育部颁发的千万新元大型研究基金。申泽骧教授主导了南洋理工大学与莫斯科国立大学和俄罗斯科学院在教育科研及产品化方面的多项合作。

内容概述:It is well-known that the optical and electronic structures of twodimensional transition metal dichalcogenide (2D TMD) materials and perovskiteoften show very strong layer-dependent properties. It is less well-knownhowever is that the properties can also be tuned by stacking order, whichallows us to build electro and optical devices with the same material and thesame thickness. Detailed understanding of the inter-layer interaction will helpgreatly in tailoring the properties of 2D TMD materials for applications, e.g.in pn junction, transistors, solar cells and LEDs. Raman/Photoluminescence (PL)spectroscopy and imaging have been extensively used in the study ofnano-materials and nano-devices. They provide critical information for thecharacterization of the materials such as electronic structure, opticalproperty, phonon structure, defects, doping and stacking sequence.

In this talk,we use Raman and PL techniques and electric measurements, as well as simulationto study 2- and 3-layer 2D TMD samples. The Raman and PL spectra also showclear correlation with layer-thickness and stacking sequence. Electricalexperiments and ab initio calculationsreveal that difference in the electronic structures mainly arises fromcompetition between spin-orbit coupling and interlayer coupling in differentstructural configurations.



