

更新时间:2024-04-03 点击次数:600



报告题目:Locally Concentrated Ionic Liquid Electrolytes for High-Energy Batteries

报告简介:Non-flammable ionic liquid electrolytes (ILEs) are well-known candidates for safer and long-lifespan lithium metal batteries (LMBs). However, the high viscosity and insufficient Li+ transport limit their practical application. Recently, non-solvating and low-viscosity co-solvents diluting ILEs without affecting the local Li+ solvation structure are employed to solve these problems. The diluted electrolytes, i.e., locally concentrated ionic liquid electrolytes (LCILEs), exhibiting lower viscosity, faster Li+ transport, and enhanced compatibility toward lithium metal anodes, are feasible options for the next-generation high-energy-density LMBs. In the presentation, the progress of the recently developed LCILEs are summarised, including their physicochemical properties, solution structures, and applications in LMBs with a variety of high-energy cathode materials. Lastly, a perspective on the future research directions of LCILEs will be given as well as the most recent results on Li and post-Li metal anode cells.

Stefano Passerini院士简介

Stefano Passerini教授,德国科学院院士,来自卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(KIT),是电化学领域权威专家,一直致力于研发能量存储和转换以及电化学传感器相关的材料和器件,研究方向涉及聚合物电解质、离子液体、无机电解质、有机电解液添加剂、高性能插层、合金、转化电极材料、绿色粘结剂、开发锂和锂离子、钠和钠离子电池以及电化学电容器(超级电容器)、海水电池、开发电致变色器件、在环境和医疗应用的电化学传感器等。在科学界有着极高的声誉,建树极高,引领了电化学发展的新趋势,他是国际公认的离子液体领域和钠离子电池开发领域的先驱,发表学术论文1040余篇,谷歌学术H指数121,引用54,000余次,合著11本书和章节,拥有31项授权专利。担任电池电化学百科全书的共同编辑,Journal of Power Sources杂志主编。荣获2020年电化学学会院士,2019年获得德国Leopoldina科学院院士,入选2015-20182020-2021ESI高被引科学家名单,2015年国际电化学学会会士,2012年荣获Electrochemical Society, Inc. Battery Div.研究奖。